What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is progressive illness where the sufferer has an mental and physical addiction to alcoholic beverages.  Another way to think of it is that the alcoholic person has 1) a physical allergy (abnormal reaction) to alcohol that causes them to crave more when any amount enters into their body, 2) a mental obsession that coerces them to put that first drink into their body, and 3) a spiritual malady that blocks the sufferer from the light of the spirit. 

How can I tell if I am an alcoholic?

Only you can diagnose yourself as an alcoholic but some signs may include behaviors like:

These are all possible with heavy drinkers as well, but a heavy drinker, given a good enough reason can stop drinking, while an alcoholic is not able to stop AND STAY stopped of his or her own willpower. 

Do I have to be [insert religion here] for AA to work for me?

No, AA is not religious.  This is a spiritual program that helps alocholics find and connect with a higher power of their own understanding.  There is no requirement to be religious.  There is no requirement to be anything whatsoever.  AA's steps, traditions, and concepts are only suggestions.  

I don't believe in God.  Can AA still help me?

Absolutely.  Many of our membership came to AA as staunch atheists or agnostics.  The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking, so all types of believers and non believers are welcome. 

My drinking isn't hurting anyone but myself.  Why do I need AA?

Many AA members thought this way when they first came into the rooms.  Sometimes, though, they learned that they were robbing their family and friends of the peace of mind of knowing their loved one was safe.  Even if it is true that you are hurting no one else but you, you are still hurting you.  Isn't that a good enough reason to try it out?  If you don't like it, you're out nothing but the time you spent at the meeting. 

I can stop for long periods of time.  Does that mean I'm not an alcoholic?

You are the only one that can diagnose yourself an alcoholic, but the consensus seems to be that an alcoholic CAN stop drinking for some amount of time. But they have trouble staying stopped.  Another good test is to ask yourself, when I'm controlling my alcohol, am I enjoying drinking?  When I'm enjoying my alcohol, am I controlling it?  A true alcoholic can probably only do one at a time, but never control AND enjoy drinking.  

How much does AA cost?

There are no dues or fees for AA membership.  We are self supporting, which means that we ask for voluntary contributions from our members during meetings.  This is usually $2 to $3 per meeting.  But if you are unable to contribute, don't let that stop you from attending.  We would rather have you than your money every time. 

How can I get to a meeting if I don't have transportation?

Text us at (972) 970-2011 and let us know you need a ride.  We will work with you to see if we can get you covered.  

When are your meetings?

We have zoom meetings on Tuesdays (12pm), Thursdays (6:30pm), and Saturdays (10am).  Only our Saturday meeting is hybrid, while all others are Zoom only.